Send documents from any device and from anywhere with the same legal validity.


Send documents urgently and securely


Send a digital, ordinary or certified letter


Send digital postcards online


Print out your labels and pay for your deliveries before going to the Post Office

PAQ 48

Delivery in 24/48 hours, depending on point of origin and destination

Certified Letter

Guarantee reception with a signature

Administrative Notifications

Suitable service for legal communications


Holiday mailbox

Ideal for:

Nacional Buzón de Vacaciones

Correos looks after your mail until you get back from holiday.

Correos keeps mail addressed to your company at the nearest Post Office while you are away. Contract the service for the number of weeks you need.

  • Geographical Coverage: National: every town or village in Spain.

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The mail sent to the recipient's home address will be kept at a specific Post Office during the contracted period while they are away.

The holiday mailbox will contain all the ordinary deliveries, plus notifications of registered deliveries (present the notifications for Correos to deliver the registered items). Registered items will be subject to the time limits for remaining at a post office, set by Correos.


  • Service for companies:  Only one  company per mailbox, even if there are more than one at the same address. 
  • Time and place of contract: This service is contracted at the Post Office. From a minimum of one week to a maximum of 14 weeks.
  • Mail can be collected occasionally: While this service is contracted, the holders of the contract or people authorised by them can occasionally pick up their mail.
  • Two ways to get your mail at the end of the contract: The recipients can choose between two ways to receive deliveries: Correos can deliver them to their home, or they can collect the items themselves from the office where the mailbox is located.

Guarantees: Confidentiality and security for the deliveries deposited in the mailbox.


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Si eres empresa y quieres que te hagamos una oferta personalizada, solicita información.